Smart Girl Stories
About Smart Girl Stories Smart Girls Stories Mission and Pledge

Smart Girls Stories Mission and Pledge

Smart Girl Stories celebrates the power of young females through uplifting narratives of real-life accomplishments. Explore captivating articles highlighting girls making a difference in their communities, tackling STEM challenges, or pursuing artistic passions. Find stories of courage, creativity, and resilience, igniting a spark in young minds to dream big and pursue their extraordinary journeys. More than just stories, Smart Girl Stories fosters a supportive community where girls can connect and learn from each other. Engaging interviews, empowering quotes, and interactive activities fuel young minds, reminding them that anything is possible with determination and a positive attitude. Our Smart Girls Stories Mission and Pledge is the foundation of our inspiration.

Our Pledge for Online Communication:
Girls’ intelligence deserves celebration and visibility.
Sharing smart girl stories inspires future generations.
Diverse narratives empower girls to chase their dreams.
Therefore, we pledge to:
Highlight Smart Girls:
Share stories of girls achieving in STEM, business, arts, or any field! Celebrate their accomplishments, big or small.

Amplify different voices:
Showcase girls from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and identities. Let their unique perspectives shine.

Go beyond stereotypes:
Challenge limiting beliefs about girls and intelligence. Show the world their multifaceted brilliance. Use inclusive language: Avoid gendered stereotypes and assumptions. Focus on individual talents and capabilities.

Engage with intention:
Ask questions, spark discussions, and connect with others who share this mission.

Engage with respect:
Shift to a new place, a new position, a new age, and a new perspective

Embrace Diversity:
Know that our Smart Girls come from all walks of life, all periods, languages, and socio-economic backgrounds.

Connect and support:
Our storytellers share their contact information and media information for a reason. Tell them you read their story on Smart Girl Stories. Be respectful and courteous in your communication. Let them know that their story inspired you and that you support them on their journey.

Let’s create an online world where Smart Girl Stories thrives and upholds the Smart Girls Stories Mission and Pledge.


Smart Girl Stories shares stories of inspiration from writers across the globe.

We ask each writer to adhere to our Smart Girl Stories pledge. The views expressed in our articles are those of the author and are meant to spark conversation and inspire you. They don’t necessarily reflect the opinions of SmartGirl Stories. We are honored to share their stories, as well as yours. To learn more – visit us here.

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