Smart Girl Stories
Content Marketing Strategists – Partner with Smart Girl Stories

Content Marketing Strategists – Partner with Smart Girl Stories

You know Smart Girls with Stories. We share Smart Girl Stories. Let’s partner!

This is a match made in cyberspace. After all, you are a content marketing strategist, and we share great inspirational content. At Smart Girl Stories, Hannah and I learned a few months ago that we’ll never be able to share the billions of stories written daily.

That’s why we created our partnership program for content marketing strategists. We call our partners Advocates. And that’s because you are advocating on behalf of your clients. Advocates come in many forms, including PR agencies, digital marketing consultants, family members, non-profits, NGOs, you name it. If you are someone who helps advocate on behalf of Smart Girls, then we should speak, email, or video chat—or all of those.

As Hannah’s a first year in high school, Dad manages the relationship management. Come summertime, you’ll have a chance to work with Hannah as well.

The power of content marketing strategy for your clients

Content marketing strategy is crucial for business. And if that’s your world, then we should be working together. You are the content marketer, and Smart Girl Stories is the platform. Whether your Smart Girl content is written, video, and or audio, our system can handle it. But to do that, you need to become an advocate partner.

But – remember – we are about stories of inspiration. We are not here to “sell your products”. Please keep that in mind. As a business owner, you have a story of how you arrived at where you are in life. And that’s inspirational. Just remember to focus on “that”. If people like you and your story, they can look at your service offerings. People buy from people, although Amazon certainly slightly shifts that paradigm.

Hmmm, I wonder if Mackenzie Scott has a story. Hmmmmm, perhaps she should share it on Smart Girl Stories. Someone see if she’s interested. IN THE MEANTIME, keep reading about being an Advocate.

Becoming Smart Girl Stories Advocate Partner

Becoming an advocate is simple: You apply, we review, we chat, we create your account, and you are off and “writing.” As an advocate, you’ll have the following resources available:


Smart Girl Stories shares stories of inspiration from writers across the globe.

We ask each writer to adhere to our Smart Girl Stories pledge. The views expressed in our articles are those of the author and are meant to spark conversation and inspire you. They don’t necessarily reflect the opinions of SmartGirl Stories. We are honored to share their stories, as well as yours. To learn more – visit us here.

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