Smart Girl Stories
Smart Girl Guest Blog Registration

Smart Girl Guest Blog Registration

Smart Girl Stories welcomes guest blog entries from Smart Girls across the globe!

We are excited that you are taking the first step in sharing your story with the world. This form is open to all, but it would be great if you’ve already submitted a pitch and come across this form. You can register here, and we’ll approve your access. Then, you’ll be able to submit your story.

If you saw one of our links to share a story, great, you’ll join here and then upload your pitch for a story. We also actively accept pitches on PressHook,, and Qwoted. If you saw us there, welcome!

If you are surfing the web and see a link for storytelling, I am excited to have you here.

All registrations to SGS require email authentication. We’ll email you once you complete the form below to confirm access. Once you verify, you’ll be in our system. Yay!

Only after you become a member can you submit a Smart Girl Story for consideration. That story can be about you or someone else you happen to know.

Let’s get you started. Please enter your information below, and we’ll see you in the membership section.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Are you over 18
Tell us more about you as a submitter (We know, lots of options)

A word about names, emails, and anonymity

If you wish to remain anonymous, be careful about your email address and consider using one that ensures anonymity while still giving us a means to contact you. Therefore, we can work with you here. Let us know how you want to handle your name in your pitch.

Please provide your name
Password (A stronger password is required. Consider using upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.)
Are you a US Citizen?
This is to help us understand where you are. We assume all US and GDPR rules apply.
Yes – we are global. It’s exciting!