Smart Girl Stories
Stories of inspiration from Smart Girl Stories across the globe. How Badili Africa Is Feminizing Political Spaces In Africa

How Badili Africa Is Feminizing Political Spaces In Africa

Hey Smart girl! I am glad to see that you are interested in political matters because our interests as citizens of a certain country are represented by the leaders we elect to parliament or any positions you might be voting for in your country. Politics and governance issues seem like complicated issues that make most girls shy away from these conversations, but the truth is, it’s never that hard.

I’m Elvine, and I’m here to reassure you that beyond the ‘big words’, we all can contribute to this conversation. Let me tell you how Badili Africa empowers girls to be leaders in their communities here in Kenya.

Badili is a Swahili word which means ‘change’. Badili Africa’s main focus is simplifying the conversations about politics and governance for young women and girls. This is mainly achieved through their political spas and glam sessions. The glam sessions are an entry point to attract girls to the space, who would otherwise not be interested in politically oriented conversations if not for the glam. Interesting right?

We call that make-up activism. Imagine a place where you get to talk about big things like policies, politics, and making the world a better place—all while having the most fabulous glam sessions. I mean, wouldn’t you and your friends fancy an educative session while you are playing around with some eyeshadow and lip gloss? Learning can be fun, and guess what? Badili Africa is making that dream come true for girls just like you in informal settlements in Nairobi. Now, Let me spill the tea on why these sessions are so awesome.

First, Badili Africa is about creating a space where you can freely chat about important stuff. It’s not just about talking; it’s about understanding that you, yes, you, can be a part of making big decisions. Badili Africa knows you don’t need a suit to change the world. You can be your fabulous self and still be a powerful force for good. How cool is that?

These glam sessions aren’t just about looking pretty; they’re about feeling confident and knowing your voice matters. Badili Africa believes that politics and governance aren’t just for adults or boys but for you, too! You have the right to understand how the world works and to have a say in it. Staying informed about your country, state, or local government is essential to building your knowledge. You can do this through watching the news, reading newspapers and following your favourite political figures on social media platforms. This will build your knowledge and empower you to rise to the occasion when called upon to speak for girls.

You should know that as a girl, you have the right to be heard, and you should share your voice. Never for a moment think that because you can’t write big political commentaries in the biggest publications, your voice doesn’t count. Interestingly, you can share your opinion in poems, songs, art, blogs, or podcasts. Yes, you can, and you should. There are multiple avenues that can support your political endeavors; all you have to do is explore your options and settle on what works best for you! The power lies within you.

Now, back to Badili Africa. These glam sessions serve as a ticket to a world of knowledge. You get to dive into topics that might seem complex at first, but guess what? Badili Africa breaks them down in a way that’s fun and easy to understand. Most girls who have participated in these sessions have gone ahead to be student leaders in the schools and campuses, which, quite frankly, is a beautiful scene to watch. You can be one of them too. Don’t shy away from the world of politics and governance.  Like the girls in Kenya, Badili Africa has shown them that they are not just dreamers; they are doers, leaders, and a force that can change the world.  Are you ready to be the change you want to see in the world?

As always, virtual hugs, Elvine.

Elvine Ouma

Elvine Ouma

With four years of experience as a freelance writer and a strong foundation in Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights advocacy, gender journalism, and climate change storytelling, I bring a unique blend of skills to the table.


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