Smart Girl Stories
Join Smart Girl Stories

Join Smart Girl Stories

Smart Girl Stories is a powerful platform for amplifying the voices of Smart Girls worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned journalist, a passionate storyteller, a PR agency with inspiring stories to share, or simply a friend wanting to champion someone you know, we welcome you to contribute! Join Smart Girl Stories today.

We have two levels of storytelling for Smart Girl Stories.

First – your story. Yup, we would be so honored to hear your story. To initiate this, join Smart Girl Stories and submit a pitch to our editors. It’s very easy to do. Once we receive your pitch, we’ll review it to ensure its adherence to our pledge, and we’ll approve your account so that you can upload your story.

Second – advocate for others. Are you a content marketing strategist? A Social media guru? A PR agency? Perhaps a journalist with a passion for sharing the stories of Smart Girls? We invite you to apply to be a Smart Girl Stories Advocate wherever you are on the planet or universe. For more information on becoming an advocate – visit us here.

As an advocate, you can bring stories to our site in your community as you wish. And if you are a consultant, you can leverage our platform to grow your business. You set the hours, you create the relationships, you make the social media, package it up, and upload it. We’ll take care of the rest. Our platform is free to join. And, if you want our services to help boost or feature a story, we have sponsorship opportunities when the time is right. First, you must join Smart Girl Stories and register as a member.