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Stories of inspiration from Smart Girl Stories across the globe. Maria Montessori – Making An Impact On Education

Maria Montessori – Making An Impact On Education

If you’re looking for someone to inspire you, Maria Montessori is your woman. This Italian educator and physician was the first woman to become a doctor in Italy. She was also the first to open a school for children with disabilities. Maria’s life was dedicated to helping others, and she made a significant impact on education as we know it today.

Maria’s Early Life

On August 31st, 1870, Maria Montessori was born in Chiaravalle, Italy. She has been breaking barriers even since the beginning of her education! When Maria was very young (about five years old), she was enrolled in an all-boys school. Maria proved that girls could be just as successful in a male-dominated field. When she graduated secondary school, she decided to become a doctor. At first, Maria was denied admission to the University of Rome Medical School because she was a woman. However, with the help of Pope Leo XIII, she was accepted in 1896.

Maria found her passion as a volunteer at the psychiatric center of the University of Rome, where she learned more about children with disabilities. Maria soon realized that these children were capable of more than traditional schooling methods allowed for. They could learn and thrive in an environment tailored specifically to their needs!

This was when Maria’s journey as an educator began. She started developing her own teaching methods, later becoming the Montessori Method. In 1907, Maria opened the first Montessori school in Rome. The school was an instant success! Maria’s methods quickly spread throughout Europe and the United States.

Schools Closed During WWII

n 1939, Mussolini’s government closed Maria Montessori’s schools in Italy because she was considered a “dangerous foreigner.” Hitler had followed suit and also closed all Montessori schools in Germany.

Maria was forced to flee Europe and travel to India with her son, where she continued her work with children. She started several new schools in India, and her methods spread throughout the continent.

Maria Montessori was truly a pioneer in the field of education and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1949, 1950, and 1951. Maria’s work has had a lasting impact on education. Her methods are still used in schools today, over 100 years later! She dedicated her life to helping others, changing the world for the better. Maria is an inspiration to us all!

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For more information on Maria Montessori:


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