Smart Girl Stories

Meet Smart Girl – Edlira Dibrani

Hello there! I’m Edlira Dibrani, an avid reader and lover of words. An enthusiastic reader who finds solace and excitement within the pages of books. While I shy away from the label of a bookworm, books have been my constant companions throughout my life, paving the path toward my destiny as a writer. From crafting poems and essays in the 3rd grade to embracing the daily ritual of writing, my journey has been one of continuous exploration and growth in the vast universe of literature.

As a lover of words, you would assume right about me studying humanities. My academic endeavors led me to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature, followed by a Master’s degree in English Literature. These years were a period of profound discovery, deepening my appreciation for the nuanced power of language and its capacity to evoke the most intricate of emotions. I always heard how difficult university studies were and how these years would be the most difficult ones in my life, but they turned out to be the best ones. This immersive experience in the humanities further fueled my passion for reading and writing, reinforcing my belief that words hold power change the world, not only the world but those around us who we spend our lives with. And I understood there that they could change my life as well as I grew to become a different person. While reading the intricate stories of Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Austen, and many more influential authors, it shaped my mind and how I saw the world.

Professionally, I have channeled my love for communication into a successful career as a Social Media and PR Manager currently at the Finnish Schools International in Prishtina, Kosovo. With over five years of experience in social media strategy and campaign development, I pride myself on creating initiatives that not only meet organizational goals but also engage and inspire our community. My attention to detail and creative approach to project management, especially in addressing environmental and social issues, have led to notable achievements, including recognition from CNN for a project promoting freedom and environmental stewardship.

Beyond my professional endeavors, I hold a deep belief in the potential of the next generation to enact meaningful change. Working with students and influencing their perspectives on global challenges has been an incredibly rewarding aspect of my career. I am committed to nurturing these young, brilliant minds, confident in their ability to shape a brighter, more sustainable future.

In my leisure time, I am actively involved in the literary community of Prishtina, leading discussions in local book clubs. These gatherings are not just a hobby but a continuation of my life’s work, fostering a shared love for literature and encouraging a deeper engagement with the power of storytelling.

In essence, my life is a testament to the belief that words are the most potent tools at our disposal, capable of changing the world one story at a time. Whether through my professional work, academic studies, or personal hobbies, I remain dedicated to spreading the impact and passion of reading and writing to all corners of my world, however small it may be.

Edlira Dibrani

Edlira Dibrani

Hello there! I'm Edlira Dibrani, an avid reader and lover of words. An enthusiastic reader who finds solace and excitement within the pages of books. While I shy away from the label of a bookworm, books have been my constant companions throughout my life, paving the path toward my destiny as a writer. From crafting poems and essays in the 3rd grade to embracing the daily ritual of writing, my journey has been one of continuous exploration and growth in the vast universe of literature.


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