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Stories of inspiration from Smart Girl Stories across the globe. Meet Noluthando Sithubeni – My Scars Are Art, They Tell My Story: After The Gas Explosion

Meet Noluthando Sithubeni – My Scars Are Art, They Tell My Story: After The Gas Explosion

My Scars Are Art, They Tell My Story: After The Gas Explosion

I want to share the story of courage and survival with you today. I want you to meet Noluthando Sithubeni. Many of us take survival for granted, but it is the only way to pull through for some. It differs for each of us, but it also carries the lesson to carry on and hold on because survival is not without cause, but it is a reminder for every one of us to appreciate the life we have been given. So today, I would love to share the story of a beautiful, inspiring, spirited young woman named Noluthando Sithubeni and how she survived and thrived after the most painful and life-altering experience.

Noluthanda Sithubeni survived a devastating gas explosion that occurred in Boksburg, South Africa, on Christmas Eve in the year 2022. This tragic incident resulted in the loss of 41 precious lives, leaving the entire nation in a state of shock and mourning.

The Gas Explosion

Imagine being at work, going about your daily routine, when suddenly BOOM! An explosion caused a huge fireball to erupt and spread 100 meters away. It was so unexpected; it was chaos.

That’s exactly what happened to Noluthando, an employee at the Tambo Memorial Hospital at the time of the incident. She was on duty when a fuel tanker carrying liquefied petroleum gas exploded under the bridge, and she was severely injured.

Noluthando spent five months in the hospital. Despite the challenges she faced, she chose to focus on the positive aspects of her situation. Rather than dwelling on what she had lost, she looked at what she had gained, such as the opportunity to spend more time with her family and to pursue her dreams. She even found beauty in her scars, which she refers to as art. During her stay in the hospital, Noluthando became a ray of sunshine to everyone and made friends with the staff, including doctors, nurses, and cleaners. She even found meaning and appreciation towards random strangers visiting loved ones who had heard of her story and acknowledged her. She appreciated the gestures of support and recognition they showed. She always had a smile and something positive to say, living by the motto, “Your attitude determines your destiny.”

New Body, New Situation

Noluthando is a strong, lively woman who is overcoming the challenges of her accident. Despite bearing scars on her upper body, arms, hands, and face and losing her hair, she refused to let this affect her confidence. Instead, she took the opportunity to relearn how to live and accept her new body and new situation. Noluthando is determined to rebuild herself emotionally, spiritually, and mentally, knowing that the journey to healing takes time and patience. She is learning to take pride in her scars knowing and acknowledging that they tell her story, which she regards as art, and she is excited to learn to express herself through her passion for fashion, she wants to study fashion design. Alongside being a skilled Karate instructor with a coveted black belt, Noluthando is always busy with her daily gym routine and therapy sessions, reveling in all the things that life has to offer.

Noluthando is a mother to a 10-year-old baby girl. She is incredibly grateful to be alive and to have the opportunity to watch her daughter grow up. Currently, she and her daughter reside with Noluthando’s mother and siblings. However, Noluthando wishes to build her home to provide a better life for herself and her daughter. In addition to this, Noluthando has a strong desire to build an orphanage or shelter for women who suffer from drug abuse. She is concerned about the increasing number of drug abuse cases among the youth and wants to make a positive impact on her community by providing a safe haven for those in need.

No Regrets

When Noluthando reflects on the journey that led her to where she is now, she has no regrets. She says that she would choose this exact path that has been laid down for her. She will pass through it to find out what’s on the other side because this is her journey, her story. Regardless of how hard it is, it is hers. Through this accident, she has discovered much about who she is and what she can conquer. She has found that her strength, resilience, and willpower are immeasurable. It has also shown her how much she is loved by her family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and strangers who have shown her so much love.

Her message to someone going through a similar situation is to give themselves time to heal. Rebuild at their own pace, but remember that the clock will not stop because of what they are going through. Their loved ones will continue with their lives because this is your journey, the world will not wait for you.

Noluthando is an incredible force to be reckoned with. Her resilience and determination are truly awe-inspiring, inspiring all who know her. Her unwavering courage is something that everyone should aspire to, and her positive outlook on life is truly remarkable. She can turn even the most tragic story of her life into a heartwarming fairytale. Noluthando is a builder, a nurturer, and a warrior of progress and survival.

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Tholakele Mbonani

Tholakele Mbonani

I'm Tholakele Mbonani from South Africa, I am a journalist with a passion uplifting stories about hope and change.


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