Smart Girl Stories


Smart Girl Stories is a community of friends, partners, and amazing technology solutions.

National Women’s Hall of Fame

We are excited to work with the National Women’s Hall of Fame. Through our partnership, we’ll bring you in-depth biographies of the many Inductees, including those of 2023.


SmartGirl Search is thrilled to announce its latest partnership with News-O-Matic. With this collaboration, SmartGirl Search users will have access to the latest and most up-to-date news that News-O-Matic provides.


Smart Girl Stories shares stories of inspiration from writers across the globe.

We ask each writer to adhere to our Smart Girl Stories pledge. The views expressed in our articles are those of the author and are meant to spark conversation and inspire you. They don’t necessarily reflect the opinions of SmartGirl Stories. We are honored to share their stories, as well as yours. To learn more – visit us here.

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