Smart Girl Stories
Smart Girl Stories Advocate Application

Smart Girl Stories Advocate Application

As an advocate, your mission is to bring your Smart Girls’ Stories to life. This form is available to anyone, but you must join before becoming an approved advocate. That’s okay, though. Stay the course, complete this form, and we’ll help you join if it is right for you and your team.

Are you a social media guru, a creative genius, or a master of the written word? Are you connected to all the papers and media outlets? Okay, you are on the right page. To be considered, you should have a background in writing, creative design, social media marketing, journalism, or press relations. And the best part is there’s no fee to join or to upload stories.

It’s okay if you don’t have any or all of these skills you can learn, but right now, we do not have an online curriculum (soon to change wink nudge because we are creating one in our Kenyan and South African offices!) We are partial to working with experts because we need your advocate-sponsored stories to be ready to go live without much involvement.

Also, before we go much further, this is not an employment form. You will not be an employee of Smart Girl Stories. This is an opportunity for existing businesses to partner with our organization and bring their smart girls to our platform.

We created this program because we cannot do this alone. When you become a Smart Girl Stories advocate, you’ll join a rapidly growing group of Smart Girls across the globe looking to inspire other Smart Girls.

We’re seeking passionate, caring advocates who share our vision of a world where smart girls shatter limitations and embrace their full potential.

To be considered, please fill out the form below, and we’ll contact you. We are a bit overwhelmed, so please be patient with us. If you are not ready and have more questions, that’s okay too – just contact us.

P.S. You get to highlight all the smart girls at your organization and have your advocate page!

P.S.S. Our representation in Kenya, Albania, Spain, South Africa, India, Nigeria, Chile, and England is going viral. So, if you are on the planet, we want to speak with you. It’s cool if you are also on the ISS or a visiting spacecraft from another galaxy. It’s all good.

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