Smart Girl Stories
Submitting your story on Smart Girl Stories

Submitting your story on Smart Girl Stories

Our goal at Smart Girl Stories is to allow every Smart Girl to tell their story in their own words. Doing this has many benefits, and we respect all of them. Submitting your story on Smart Girl Stories is easy, and many resources are available.

Stories in her words

There is something cathartic about sharing your story in your own words. Maybe your story is read by billions, or it’s read just by you. That’s fine with Smart Girl Stories. Everyone should have a chance to share their story with the world in their own words. We can provide you with a link, which you can use to upload your story, and some photographs that help you convey your message to the world. Submitting your story on Smart Girl Stories is something anyone can do.

Stories about friends

We all have a smart girl who deserves to have their story told. Perhaps the friend is too shy or is no longer with us. If you have your friend’s permission, Smart Girl Stories is perfect for you. After all, who better to share your story than your fellow Smart Girl? Whether you are just starting at the keyboard or a skilled marketeer, Smart Girl Stories can be a great platform for you to share stories that inspire you and that can inspire others. When you share the stories of others, you are an advocate. You can share as many stories as you’d like on our site. 

Benefits of Smart Girls Sharing Stories

Submitting your story on Smart Girl Stories can benefit you, your brand, and your mission. There are many benefits to sharing a story. And we understand and respect the business benefits of sharing a story. For those operating a business or leading a cause, a well-crafted, custom-written story in Smart Girl Stories could help market your brand in a unique and fun way. This is often referred to as backlinking, and we respect the power of backlinking for SEO. While we are not a backlining directory, sharing your story on Smart Girl Stories can obviously add links back to your site.

We often hear about the product, but what about the maker of the product? How did that Smart Girl start her business? What challenges did she overcome? What lies ahead for her company, her adventure, her mission? All of that can be shared on Smart Girl Stories.

Can I promote my business, events, and team on Smart Girl Stories?

Absolutely. Are you an event promoter with an event that empowers and inspires women? Share your event on Smart Girl Stories. Are you looking to tell the world about your amazing products and services and then visit your website? Of course. Self-promotion is great. Do you work with or for Smart Girls? Let’s tell the world about them. 

If your story is well-written, genuine, and inspiring, you are always welcome to highlight the products and services you’ve created. Provided you meet our pledge, you are always welcome to send a backlinking to your website. 

Is Smart Girl Stories free? What if I want more?

Our mission is to allow every smart girl worldwide whose story adheres to our pledge the opportunity to share their story for free. You’ll see our self-shared story section is rapidly growing, too. If you’d like to do more after sharing your story, we have many creative ways to help you tell more stories on Smart Girl Stories. We can also find fun ways to help you promote your business, your adventures, and your mission in life. 

If you are working with a PR or marketing agency, since they can help you market, why not have them partner with us to increase your story’s promotion on our social media? Once your story is shared, let’s discuss additional options for promotion.:

Smart Girl Stories’ Facebook Page
Smart Girl Stories’ Pinterest Page
Smart Girl Stories’ Instagram Page
Smart Girl Stories’ Linkedin Page
Smart Girl Stories’ YouTube Page
Smart Girl Stories’ TikTok Account
Smart Girl Stories’ Crunchbase Account
Smart Girl Stories’ Reddit Account

And if you’d like more, we can also be creative.

I’m ready to submit my story on Smart Girl Stories.

To submit your story, Register Now on Smart Girl Stories for a pitch.

Submitting your story on Smart Girl Stories - everyone has one, what's yours