Smart Girl Stories
Ethel Andrus
Stories of inspiration from Smart Girl Stories across the globe. The Extraordinary Accomplishments of Ethel Percy Andrus

The Extraordinary Accomplishments of Ethel Percy Andrus

Ethel Percy Andrus was an American educator and social activist best known as the founder of AARP. She was a pioneer in promoting the value of education and advocating for the elderly, and her influence has been felt for generations. Let’s take a closer look at just some of the amazing accomplishments of this inspirational woman.

Envisioning a World Without Ageism

At age 62, Ethel retired from teaching, but she still had plenty of energy to pursue her passion for social reform. She founded the National Retired Teachers Association (NRTA) in 1947, which later became AARP, the organization we all know today. Her goal with NRTA was to create a society in which older adults were valued and respected members of their communities. In doing so, she was able to help reduce ageism, the discrimination against people based on their age, which she felt was one of the most damaging forces in our culture.

Ethel Percy Andrus – A Champion for Education

Ethel was also passionate about education and believed that everyone should have access to it regardless of their financial circumstances. In 1933, she founded what became California’s first publicly funded retirement community for educators: Greystone College located in Ojai Valley near Los Angeles.

This college provided those who could not afford college tuition with an opportunity to earn a degree through correspondence courses or classes taught by retired teachers working as volunteers. In 1945, Ethel opened Greystone’s doors to disabled veterans returning from World War II who were seeking educational opportunities. This was one of many examples of how Ethel championed education and worked hard to ensure that anyone who wanted it would be able to receive it.

Advocate for Health Insurance Reform

In 1956, Ethel made history by establishing the first group health insurance plan for seniors, modeled after plans used by corporations like IBM and General Electric. This plan eventually expanded into Medicare part B coverage in 1965 when President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare into law. By creating this program, Ethel helped make quality healthcare more accessible and affordable to elderly Americans who needed it most, a legacy that continues today through Medicare Part B coverage provided by AARP/NRTA plans nationwide!

Ethel’s Legacy

Ethel Percy Andrus lived an extraordinary life filled with accomplishments that changed society forever. From her work fighting ageism to her advocacy for health insurance reform, Ethel left behind a powerful legacy that will continue to positively impact people’s lives long after her passing. We owe a debt of gratitude to this remarkable woman whose tireless efforts helped make life better for millions across America and beyond! We can only hope that others will follow her example and strive towards making positive changes in our world today!

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