Smart Girl Stories

Navigating vocation with María Valladares

Sometimes we are lucky enough to know what inspires us from an early age, like María Valladares, a professional who immigrated to Chile and is now impacting different communities in the country to promote the...

Gabriela Cortés, environmental activist and co-funder of Pasto Seco Magazine

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a journalist because I imagined that I would report on the weather or the big event happening in the city, and although these are some of the things you can do, there...

The Incredible Accomplishments Of Christine Lagarde

When it comes to powerful women in the world, one name that could never be replaced on the list is that of Christine Lagarde. She has always been a prominent figure in the world of finance and has accomplished...



Protecting our planet requires dedicated individuals. This category celebrates the work of female environmentalists who are advocating for sustainability and combating climate change. Learn about the pioneering work of Rachel Carson, whose book “Silent Spring” exposed the dangers of pesticides and sparked the modern environmental movement. Explore the efforts of contemporary environmental leaders like Wangari Maathai, the founder of the Green Belt Movement who planted millions of trees in Africa, and Greta Thunberg, a young activist inspiring global climate action.