Smart Girl Stories

In Nigeria; Thirty Adolescent Girls Become Female Genital Mutilation Digital Skills Champions

Thirty Adolescent Girls in Nigeria learn the digitial skills to help combat Female Genital Mutilation. “I have heard about Female Genital mutilation but not this much; now I am familiar with the laws...

Life with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder – Anja Simonsen

Being diagnosed with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) made me realize women are still being kept in the dark about their health. I want to change that. As a 26-year-old who has spent the majority of my...

Terri Rehkopf – Master Hair Healer and Holistic Hair Educator

Ippodaro Natural Salon, the Art of Holistic Care and Styling Hair “I’m big on connecting with other people in our community,” said Terri Rehkopf, Master Hair Healer and Holistic Hair Educator. “I...

